2. 排水系统的基本原则与要求




2.1 给水系统概述


2.2 给水管网布局


2.3 管道尺寸选择与计算


排ewatering Systems Design Principles and Requirements

3.1 排watering System Overview

The drainage system is a critical part of the overall building design, responsible for managing rainwater runoff and wastewater from buildings, as well as preventing waterlogging and other related problems.

3.1.1 Functionality

Drainage systems are designed to remove stormwater runoff from rooftops, sidewalks, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces in urban areas to prevent flooding.

3.1.2 Types of Drainage Systems

There are two main types of drainage systems: surface water drainage (SWD) and ground water drainage (GWD). Surface water drainage includes roof drains, floor drains, curb & gutter systems while ground water drainage involves septic tanks or sewage treatment plants.

3.1 Sanitary Sewer System Design

Sanitary sewer systems transport domestic waste away from residential areas to central treatment facilities where it's treated before being released into natural bodies of water.

4. Pump Station Selection & Layout Strategy

5. Pipe Material Selection & Installation Standards

6. Corrosion Prevention Measures in Water Supply & Drainage Designs

7. Energy Efficiency Optimization Techniques for Building Water Supply & Drainage Systems

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