一、填料塔精馏实验装置的独特之处:1. 设计优雅,结构合理,体现现代化实验设备的魅力。3. 设备采用自行式框架设计,便于拆卸检修和搬运。4. 主要部件如塔主体、冷凝器和储槽均选用304不锈钢制成,工艺精细,品质上乘。5. 实现进料液与塔釜残液的热交换,为废热再利用提供了技术支持。6. 可实现手动或自动控制回流比,以适应全回流或部分回流操作需求。7. 设计巧妙地控制塔釜液位,以防止电加热器过度加热。8. 360度可视设计,让教学与实验同时进行。
二、填料塔精馏实验装置的功能展开:1. 学习其基本结构和工作原理,以及操作方法;2. 塔身透明,可直观观察内部工作状态;3. 进料液与塔釜残液能实现热交换,有效利用废热资源;4. 回流比可以自动调整,从而观察不同条件下的系统温度稳定性影响;5.管路及转子流量计内介质流动清晰可见;6.集成触摸屏控制,全程数据传输安全稳定。
四、填料塔精馏实验装置核心组成部分:1..φ30×1200mm高密度拉西环填料装载在每段独立调节位置且具有进样口和取样口的304不锈钢构建层次模块化分段构造 tower section with adjustable input location and sampling points in each segment of the 304 stainless steel modular construction.;2..再沸器直接下方安装于精馏tower base beneath the condenser, made of sanitary-grade 304 stainless steel, with built-in electric heating elements totaling 2000 watts controlled by advanced temperature control instruments to regulate heat transfer efficiency within the distillation process.;3..全凝盘管式cold condenser with a total exchange area of 28 square centimeters and a diameter of φ89 mm × length of 300 mm constructed from high-quality health-grade stainless steel directly connected to the distillation column for minimizing heat loss during operation.;4..透明耐高温耐腐蚀塑料 tubing for fluid flow visualization up to temperatures of120°C.;5..transparent liquid flow meter with a range from16-160 liters per hour offering clear visual monitoring capabilities for fluid dynamics inside pipelines during experiments.;6..glass-made raw material tank and product container holding capacity at four liters each equipped with closure mechanisms for safe handling operations in laboratory settings while maintaining visibility through transparent glass walls on both sides that can be easily cleaned without affecting their functionality or integrity.
七、本装置关键部件列表及其功能说明:11.-Pt100 platinum resistance temperature detector model capable of measuring accurate temperature readings down to ±0·05 degrees Celsius (°C) over an operating range spanning -50 °C to +250 °C (-58 °F to +482 °F) as well as providing real-time data transmission through RS485 communication protocol integrated into its design structure designed specifically for precision measurement tasks requiring exceptional accuracy under various environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures ranging between -50 °C (-58 °F) up towards +150 °C (+302°F), humidity levels reaching up-to95% relative humidity (%RH), atmospheric pressure values extending beyond normal ambient pressures found at sea level which typically fall within101325 Pascals (Pa).