



villagers often talk about the mysterious rooms, each with its own unique story. Some say that these rooms were once used by a powerful sorceress who could control the elements; others claim that they were built to store ancient treasures. But one thing is certain: the four rooms have been shrouded in mystery for centuries.


One brave adventurer decided to uncover the truth behind the legend. He spent years researching and preparing, finally gaining access to the long-abandoned mansion. As he entered each room, he found clues and objects that hinted at their former uses.

1.1 宫殿之室

The first room was grand and opulent, with intricate carvings on the walls and a large stone throne in the center. It seemed as though it had once been a royal court, where important decisions were made under the watchful eye of an all-seeing king or queen.

1.2 密室之门

The second room was small and cramped, with thick stone walls that seemed impenetrable even to modern technology. It appeared to be some sort of secret hideout or escape route from danger.

1.3 幻境之厅

The third room was unlike anything else in existence – it seemed like a dream come true for those who entered it but would become their worst nightmare when they tried to leave.

1.4 遗忘之谷

The fourth room was eerily quiet, filled with dusty books and strange artifacts from another era or dimension altogether – something so outlandish that no one dared venture near let alone enter into this unknown territory without permission!


After much research and experimentation by scientists both within our world & beyond its borders (with help), we now know what these four rooms really are:

宫殿之室 - Once belonged to royalty where important decisions were made.

密室之门 - A secret passageway connecting other parts of this ancient building complex.

幻境之厅 - An illusionary space created through magic allowing users temporary escape reality while keeping memories intact upon exit.

遗忘之谷 - A repository containing knowledge from various timelines / parallel universes accessible only after obtaining proper permissions before entering this particular section inside "The Manor".

Now you see why everyone talks about these four special places called 'Broadcast Four Rooms' because every time someone goes there either physically or mentally (like through dreams) they feel as if they've experienced different realities which can lead them down paths full of wonder & curiosity!

