Dr. Fu-Guo Xie got his batcher’s degree in USTC in 2004, and Ph.D. in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) in 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he was an institute postdoc at Kavli institute for Astro. and Astroph. Of PKU. Afterwards, he returned to SHAO. He is now is a researcher/professor and the deputy director of the Dept. of Astroph., SHAO. He was selected to be a member of the Youth Innovation and Promotion Association of CAS (中科院青促会). His main research interests are the accretion theory and its application in low-luminosity AGNs and BH binaries.摘要:
Hot accretion flow, conventionally named advection-dominated accretion flow, has proven being successful in understanding low-luminosity AGNs and black hole X-ray binaries in their hard and intermediate states. In this talk, I will review (admittedly biased by my personal interest) its latest progresses, both theoretical and observational. I will selectively address several key results: 1) outflow, 2) electron turbulent heating, and 3) magnetic field accumulation (i.e. the so-called magnetically arrested disk). All these findings revise our understanding of not only the accretion theory itself, but also its impact on surrounding medium (e.g., in the form of AGN feedback). The two-phase regime, promising for our understanding of intermediate state in BH binaries, will also be addressed. Several new challenges to this model will also be discussed, including the recent discovered ``cooler when fainter’’ behavior in BH binaries.