Time-domain Survey of the Dynamic X-ray Universe w

Prof. Chichuan Jin is a BR fellow at the national astronomical observatories (NAOC), Chinese academy of sciences. He graduated fromthe Dept. of Physics, Tsinghua Univ. in 2008, and obtained PhD from Durham Univ., UK in 2012. After that he joined the QianxuesenLaboratory, Chinese Academy of Space Technology as a research scientist, working on the design of space missions. Then he spent two years at MPE, Germany as a postdoc, supported by a DLR funding to work on the Galactic center projects. Since 2018 he joined the Einstein Probe team at NAOC as a deputy chief designer of the EP science application system. He is currently responsible for the design of EP observing strategy and the management of EP scientific activities. His main research interests include AGN SED and variability, interstellar dust, XRB and time-domain astronomy
As an approved mission of the space science programe of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Einstein Probe (EP) is a small satellite to monitor the soft X-ray sky. EP will carry out systematic survey and characterization of high-energy transients with unprecedented sensitivity, Grasp and monitoring cadence. Its wide-field (~3600 sq. deg.) imaging capability is enabled by using lobster-eye MPO X-ray focusing optics. It also carries a Wolter-I X-ray telescope for deep follow-up observations of transients discovered. Transient alerts will be issued in nearly real time to trigger fast follow-up observations at multiwavelengths. The scientific goals of EP are to discover and characterize the X-ray sources of the new transient phenomena to be explored in the upcoming era of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger time-domain astrophysics. The mission is scheduled for launch by the end of 2022.
标签: 天文图吧

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