李广兴,云南大学副教授,博士生导师。 2007年获北京大学学士学位,2010年获中国科技大学天体物理硕士学位,2014年在德国波恩马普射电天文研究所获得博士学位。先后入选中组部“青年创新人才”、云南省“海外高层次人才”。2020年获“云南青年五四奖章”。主要研究领域为星际介质、恒星形成和天体物理中的气体动力学过程。摘要:
Star formation is among the most complex processes studied by astronomers to date. It is characterized by a multi-scale interplay between gravity, turbulence, magnetic field, galactic shear as well as ironizing radiation. Because of its complexity, the physical mechanisms that drive the star formation remain unclear. I will present a few recent advancements. First, I present results from our recent study in the Galactic Center region, where, because of its unique location, shear can drastically reduce the star formation efficiency. I will present our study on the fragmentation of the Cygnus X region, where we demonstrate how the introduction of novel methods can help us to pin down the dominant process at work. Finally, I argue that in spite of years of reach, there are still plenty of undiscovered mechanisms which would drive star formation, and will present one as an example.