Analytical model of magnetically dominated jetsout

陈亮,上海天文台副研究员;2005-2010 云南天文台博士研究生,2010-2012 上海天文台博士后;2012至今,上海天文台工作,其中2018.08-2019.08,为美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校访问学者。
Jets/winds are ubiquitously in association with different celestial objects. However, most of previous theoretical studies of them rely on numerical calculations, not being able to provide a more convenient way for understanding rather abundant observational results. Now we have obtained a general analytical solution for describing a magnetically dominated jet/wind. This solution is consistent with known theoretical results and numerical simulations, and can be used to interpret main observational results, such as jet shape configuration, acceleration profile (from non-relativistic to relativistic), and polarization pattern etc. Furthermore, the solution is applicable to, e.g., limb-brightening (a hollow jet), periodical signals (a helical jet), and "complex" proper motion pattern (a stratified jet) etc. In this talk, I will present the details of the theory, examples of comparing with observations, and a variety of predictions


标签: 天文资讯天文学新闻动态
