



从市场的主流防水材料来看,防水卷材因其施工技术要求高,主要适用于屋面工程,不宜家庭小面积防 水施工;911聚氨酯 防 水 涂料因其散发挥发性毒气、要求施工基面干燥、面层跟瓷砖不粘结等缺陷而难被家庭所接受;而JS 水泥基 防 水 涂料是由有机高分子液料和无机粉料复合而成,融合了有机材料弹性高和无机材料耐久性的优点,涂覆后形成高强坚韧的 防 水 涂膜,具有 防 水 性能好、耐老化、抗龟裂等优势,绿色环保,施工方便,正逐步成为家庭 防 水 的理想选择。

defends to be no longer a fresh topic, not matter is tunnel, bridge, road, building or we daily dwell in houses, defend to water is not bear to ignore.

武汉 defends the decoration points:

one. The thick pavement of tile must do the floor defense

If need change the original tile of bathroom, after remove the original tile with hammer and chisel, must first use cement mortar level off the floor then do defense treatment. So can avoid that defense coating because thickness uneven cause leakage. Before doing defense work must clean up the floor thoroughly use polyurethane waterproof coating brush on it 2-3 times.

two. Try hard not to damage the existing waterproof layer

In new delivery for use buildings bathrooms kitchens floors have done according specifications waterproof layer so will not happen leakage situation generally stay in housing without damaging existing waterproof layer live later will encounter problem only when happened leakage then find out issue now existent problems are increase some facilities bathroom and re arrange or move various kinds of upper lower water pipes during decoration but originally already severely damaged architectural structure's waterproof layer however without supplement or re-doing waterproof construction till occur leakage afterwards found problem.

three. The concave slot inside wall pipe also should do watermark

During construction process at pipes drain etc bore through slab its hole round part of waterproof layer must pay attention to construction detail wall body inside bury water pipe layout reasonable lay down all water pipes make sure groove larger than diameter of pipe smooth fill gray after groove inner brush polyurethane Waterproof Coating.

four. Use 24 hours "water storage test" accept Waterproof

After finish Waterproof engineering seal entrance door plus drainage outlet in bathroom basin full of water reach certain liquid surface height note down mark if within 24 hours liquid surface no obvious drop especially downstairs resident's house top has no leak occurrence Waterproof pass otherwise Waterproof engineering whole redo after retest acceptance like unqualified continue redo before retest acceptance
