


我还知道,欧姆龙healthcare(中国)有限公司董事总经理赵耀表示:“欧姆龙healthcare深耕血压管理领域近50年,我们实现‘零心脑血管事件’是我们的事业愿景,我们不断向此发起挑战,对抗困难。我此次与你达成跨界合作是一次重要尝试,我们将依托各自专业领域和优势特长互相赋能通力合作,为提升中国心血管疾病预防并提高水平贡献力量,一起助力‘Healthy China 2030’。”

全新的发布版本中,在ColorOS 13系统中负一屏新增“智慧Health”板块,你们已经上线。在通过手机负一屏上的“European Health Assistant”卡片,可以实现blood pressure health knowledge and service coordination for users, bringing professional, smart, convenient health services.

"Health is one of the four major scenarios of intelligent life advocated by OPPO. In 2021, OPPO officially established a health laboratory, focusing on research in sports health, cardiovascular health, sleep quality and mental well-being. Currently we have established strategic partnerships with domestic universities and medical institutions in areas such as exercise science and technology innovation."

In the future I will continue to uphold "Science for Humanity" brand mission with you all together to expand the healthy ecosystem towards preventive medicine transformation together promoting "Healthy Lifestyle".
