Probing the Early Universe with Precision CMB inst

Dr. Li is currently a KIC Postdoctoral Fellow in the physics department and the Kavli Institute at Cornell University. She received bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Ph.D in Physics from Princeton University. Her primary research area is observational cosmology. At Princeton and Cornell, she worked on instruments for submillimeter telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), the Simons Observatory (SO) and the CCAT-prime, focusing on developing, integration, testing and calibrating large format superconducting detector array modules. She is also leading the work on blind search for transient sources using ACT data.
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is relic thermal radiation left from when the universe was merely 380,000 years old. The CMB is highly homogeneous and isotropic, but close examination reveals the mark of primordial quantum fluctuations showing up as a few uK variation in the CMB temperature maps of the sky. Study of the statistical patterns in the CMB maps has laid the foundation for the current standard cosmological model, i.e. the ΛCDM model. More rich information is stored in the CMB that has not yet been tapped. In this talk I will first discuss my work with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, which has achieved the highest sensitivity among all operating ground-based CMB telescopes. I will then describe future CMB instruments including the Simons Observatory and the CCAT-prime.
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上一篇:Detection of the Circumgalactic Medium of Nearby G