"毒豆芽"、“毒粉丝"毁了整个行业。几年前,药物催生的"毒豆芽"和用化肥、氨水制作的"毒粉丝"曾在社会上引起恐慌,人们在震惊之余谈豆芽、粉丝色变!" " “ toxin sprouts " and "toxic rice noodles", which ultimately led to the decline of the bean sprout noodle industry and a sluggish market. Many quality products from qualified enterprises were also unfairly affected, suffering heavy losses.
The competition in the industry is fierce, with businesses not putting enough effort into technological and process innovations, but instead focusing solely on lowering product prices below cost lines. This inevitably leads to production shortcuts, such as using inferior materials or falsifying product standards, even at the risk of disregarding consumer interests.
If solar energy products cannot innovate and meet consumer demands in this popularization period, they will face problems such as lukewarm water supply, poor heat preservation during collection and transmission of hot water that fails to reach consumers' homes or even collapses on rooftops. Producing and selling substandard solar energy products without considering consumer needs will undoubtedly bring disaster to companies involved or even lead to the destruction of the entire industry!
With the lesson learned from "toxin sprouts" and "toxic rice noodles", we must not repeat history with solar energy! We urge: Solar Energy Products Must Not Fall Below Their Own Standards! Royal Assurance: We Will Absolutely Not Produce Or Sell Substandard Solar Energy Products That Fail To Meet These Standards!