


2、Bridge doing defense work, should clear the construction area clean, and sprinkle water to make it fully moist but not wet. 3、Bridge doing defense must pay attention to the variety, brand and proportion of defense materials, must meet the environmental protection standards relevant regulations. Products with a certificate of compliance.

4、Bridge doing defense must pay attention to the basic layer of the painted defense layer, shall not be concave-convex unevenly or loose. The water content is less than 10%.

5、Bridge doing defense must pay attention to the adhesion of the painted defense layer, no slipping or blistering. Drainage holes and other keep open channels; during construction should take protective measures.

6、Bridge doing defense must protect well-established pipe roots through walls and floors; in construction process do not damage or move them; fine treatment for all places prone to gaps prevent leakage.

7、Before laying pipes for drainage in bridge construction areas clean up flat surfaces after applying a thin layer of cement paste let dry then brush two layers once done can also first paint wall surfaces then interface processing smooth crossing intersections overlap by 200mm double-layered painting.

8、Doing Bridge Defense wall surface total thickness (defense substrate + sand cement) at least 10mm high at least 1800mm height

9., When building bridge defenses use products with water cement sand mix into concrete on base coat one two coats total thickness 2mm

10., After drying wait minutes apply sand cement mixture into brownish gray color onto surface total thickness 8mm

11., After hardening lay down mortar await more days before final sealing

12., If you want more information about how to build bridges click here now!
