





4.如果你打算在家做一个壁挂电视柜那一定要在电视的后面预埋一根50PVC's线管,不然杂乱的electric line实在是太影响美观。

5.如果空间有限阳台要做洗衣柜,那么electric power water valve、地漏等都必须放在同一侧

6.裝 修water electricity definitely must find experienced workers to do it, materials should be chosen from big brands to ensure quality, after all, safety is the most important thing in water electricity decoration.

二、改造water electricity steps

Water electricity positioning is the first step of water electricity modification. It involves determining where all the devices related to water will be located throughout the house, such as sinks and toilets. The electrician will then follow a diagram to show you where each wire will go.

Before modifying any pipes, make sure that all equipment related to water has been determined, including hot water heaters and washing machines.

Decide whether you want a gas hot water heater or an electric one before proceeding with any changes.

三、Decorating Water Electricity Modification Tips

Make sure that your bathroom floor is waterproofed before installing new tiles.

If you need more outlets in your living room or kitchen, consider adding them now instead of later when it might cost more money and time.

四、Electricity Wiring Tips for Decorating

If you're planning on putting up a TV cabinet against a wall behind your couch, make sure there's enough space for both without blocking off other outlets or causing clutter around your home.

2-5 are similar but slightly different versions of what was already mentioned above:

Remember: Always prioritize safety when working with electrical wiring and plumbing systems!
