8月17日,在深圳召开的「智能旗舰,健康随行——OPPO Watch 系列新品沟通会」上,OPPO健康实验室负责人曾子敬、OPPO穿戴产品总监郑战海以及OPPO穿戴产品经理马慧珊共同亮相,与媒体分享了自从创立以来,OPPO Watch系列在全智能手表领域所取得的成就与即将到来的创新。据了解,未久之后,OPPO将推出最新一代智能手表——OPPO Watch 4 Pro,这款设备预计将进一步提升用户体验,并引领行业发展。
运动和健康是用户对智能手表最为关心的方面之一。在开发其Watch系列时,.OPPOprioritized the development of professional health solutions, vowing to be responsible for users' physical well-being. In 2020, OPPO established a comprehensive health strategy aimed at driving lifestyle changes through technological innovation. Over the past three years, OPPO has built a motion and health laboratory, developed its own OPPOSENSE® algorithm for motion and health tracking, and collaborated with renowned medical institutions such as Thonburi Hospital to deliver groundbreaking results in heart rate monitoring, sleep quality analysis and exercise performance. These advancements have been successfully integrated into the OPPOSEN series products, providing valuable assistance to users in their pursuit of better fitness.
The upcoming release of the new generation smartwatch - OPPOSEN 4 Pro - has already generated significant buzz among tech enthusiasts. According to reports from digital influencers like Numberstation's Tech Chat Blog , this latest addition to the series will maintain its position as a full-fledged smartwatch powerhouse. It is rumored that it will feature an advanced Qualcomm W5+ dual-core processor (based on Snapdragon Wear 2700), boasting upgradable storage capacity of up to 2GB RAM; while upgrading both middle frame materials and bottom material textures significantly improving overall feel.
With these impressive upgrades set to hit shelves soon, consumers can expect nothing but exceptional performance from this cutting-edge wearable device designed by OPPEXpert engineers who are committedto delivering top-tier user experiences across all aspects of life—be it staying active or simply keeping track of daily routines!